Letter from Fox Boyz Racing
We wanted to let everyone know directly, so that you can hear in our words the plans for the future of Fox Boyz Racing.This off season has given us time to think about our past years of promoting Kinross Speedpark. While promoting Kinross Speedpark we’ve had a lot of success and want to thank everyone for this. We all know that racing is a team sport and so is promoting. All of us contribute to this success.
When it comes to Motorsports, we are all in it together. I do believe some of us forget that. The reason I say that is because we realize that after promoting for 12 years there’s a lot of negativities that goes with it too. Our passion has always been for racing, and not just for us but for everyone. But the haters can really weigh this down.
So, after much discussion and consideration Fox Boyz racing will be returning to driving race cars and will retire from promoting Kinross Speedpark. After being the longest promotors of Kinross Speedpark, our time has come to an end. Please know that this was not a quick decision and hope the time will allow someone else to step up and promote Kinross Speedpark. I’ve always said that change can be a good thing, and this is no different. The future for Kinross Speedpark is promising and believe now is probably the best time for an association to come together.
To our volunteers and staff, you are our racing family. THANK YOU! Thank you for sharing your time and passion for racing with us. We’ve always had the best crew and with the 2022 challenges, you all stepped up and by the end of the year you provided FBR with the best ever. A lot of people don’t realize how much time and effort it takes to be a part of a racing facility, but we do and thank you for your precious time. We will forever be grateful!
To our drivers, owners, and teams, we appreciate all of you. Thank you for showing up! Kinross Speedpark has always had such a great talented group of racers. Over the years KSP racers have demonstrated what racing is supposed to look like. We hope the cheers from your fans and the trophies in your shops will bring you memories for years to come.
To our fans and sponsors. There wouldn’t be a Kinross Speedpark if it weren’t for you. Thank you for your dedication and loyalty. You come to cheer and support us every race week. You’re the best part of promoting, to see the enthusiasm from young to old makes it all worth it. You are truly the fuel that makes racetracks run.
To Kinross Township and the Fair Board, thank you for allowing us to do what we love. It’s been a pleasure working with you.
To all the haters. Thanks for making this decision easier.
For 28 years there has been a Kinross Speedpark and we are grateful to have been a part of its story. Remember we do not own KSP so this is not the end of the story, just a beginning of another chapter. We are just allowing the opportunity for a new promoter/association to keep Kinross Speedpark running. Thanks again for all the memories and hope to see you all trackside somewhere this summer.
Sincerely, Paul & Mike Fox Fox Boyz Racing